this & that: week of May 26, 2018
Sorry we missed you last week! That's just real life, I guess. But we're back and at it for your extended Memorial Day weekend. I hope that one extra day gives you a nice break.
If you're not sure what Memorial Day is celebrating, here's a good article to read.
Memorial Day means summer and summer means swimsuit season.... which is not the favorite season of so many of us women. This video is pretty LOL.
But if you're in the market for a new suit, have you ever looked at Modcloth swimsuits? So cute.
I can't get enough of funny parenting tweets.
I don't understand. What was this chef thinking??
Choosing the right interior paint color. Just in case you've been thinking about it. (I have!)
Agggh I find this so disturbing. Our Echo often mishears her name in our conversations. #invasionofartificialintelligence, amirite?
Mocktails! Might be diving headfirst into some of these this weekend to escape the Houston heat.
If you're responsible for dessert this weekend: this cake.